EVIL DUNGEON (C64) – Collectors Edition Released!

Hey retrofans out there. The wait time is over!

EVIL DUNGEON is released as a beautiful physical collectors edition!

If you are interested in getting a physical copy of this very limited, made-to-order game, please contact me via e-mail at kontakt .a.t. retroarts.de or social media.

Note: This is not a commercial product! It’s a non profit hobby project!

I have a handfull of them and will send these selected, physical editions out for plain material and processing costs of 15€ plus shipping. Please contact me directly to check transaction and shipping costs for your destination.

What do you get?

Coverart Source/Licence by warmtail (stock.adobe.com)
  • “EVIL DUNGEON” game (C64/128) on a 5,25″ floppy disk (color may vary!)
  • Game is available in English or German language!
  • Jewel Case (153x215x10mm)
  • High quality color printed manual (English or German) with cover art
  • Good karma for supporting a retro game dev 🙂

The free digital version will also be available as download on Friday February 24th!

Please check back again later!


About the game:

EVIL DUNGEON is a BASIC programmed RPG-based Fantasyadventure for the C64.

The story of Alrik, a young adventurer who has to master his first quest. Fight against monsters, search for treasures and plan your next steps to escape the EVIL DUNGEON labyrinth.

Control: Keyboard
Players: 1
Language: English or German
Playtime: aprox. 60-90 minutes
Tactics: ****
Luck: ***
Skill: **
Age: 8 and above

Superhirn (C64) – Released!

Before the release of “Evil Dungeon” I had some spare time to code a game that I played as a board game when I was a kid. Maybe you also remember this game aka “Mastermind” from Parker Brothers. Feel free to download as D64 image and have some fun with it.

How to play?

You have 10 rounds to guess a code of four colors.

After you put in your guess confirm with <RETURN> button which will give you a result:

White circle(s): one or more right colors on the right positions.
Black circle(s): one or more right colors, but on wrong positions.
No circle(s): wrong colors

The order of the circles in the evaluation row does not refer to the position of the pins in the code row but is always from left to right!

Can you hack the code?

Welcome to RetroArts!

My name is Gregor Schillinger, born in 1980 and since the age of nine I’m an owner of a C64.

In summer 2022 I had the idea for creating a game for my lovely “Breadbin”. The project made me a lot of fun through the last months. Therefore I decided to continue develop for the C64 and I already have some more follow-up ideas. For this reason I decided to put this all together and publish under the name “RetroArts”.

My first game “Evil Dungeon” will be released early 2023.

I hope people have fun with my games and I’m looking forward to get some feedback from you!


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